Monday, August 01, 2011

Lord of all Creation

This post might seem a bit scattered but its whats on my mind right now. Lord of all creation of water earth and sky the heavens are your tabernacle glory to the Lord on high. This weekend I got to see a part of God’s creation that I have been fascinated by for a while but hardly ever get to see. Waterfalls!  I went with on Sunday with four friends.  The walk was a bit of a bumpy, narrow, muddy, slipper walk with a few hills and old house to pass by.  It was a great way to spend day enjoying God’s creation. While standing there taking in the massive waterfall and getting wet from the off spray this song came to me. “Lord of all creation of water earth and sky”. While standing I can see the creation of water earth and sky. But He is also lord of all creation including all the patient we see at the dental clinic. Today was a screening day, which means that hundreds of patients line up outside the brick wall that runs around the dental clinic/hope center. There are two lines, one for males one for females. Gini goes down the lines and looks for priority patients first; patients who have very swollen faces and are in a lot of pain. She makes two more trips up and down the line passing out wrist bands for the next days appointments.  The number of appointments she hands out always changes based on the amount of dentist we have working.  Every Sunday and Wednesday night these patients line up and every Monday and Thursday we round the corner to the clinic and see the huge line.  I can’t help but feel a bit saddened every time knowing that we won’t be able to see all of them.  Every morning during devos we pray for the team of us doing the work, the dentist, assistants, and the day volunteers for us to show them mercy and love by relieving them of their pain. That as we serve them that we are serving God and giving him the glory. We pray for the remaining patients that don’t make it into the clinic. That they understand we are doing our best to give them the free care and service. But also that we can only do so much and it is hard for us to turn down patients but it is the reality. Tomorrow is another day and we see another 40+ patients with our two dentists.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Bad things come in threes....

Bad things come in three….at least that’s what I’m hoping for because today was incident number three.  Incident one: It was day two for me at the dental clinic. The last patient just before lunch and it was a big case. Multiple extractions, with bone removal and flap surgery the whole works were involved.  As I was cleaning up the tray with all the forceps and elevators, and scalpel blade I had the unfortunate pleasure of running the blade across two fingers on my right hand.  I’m not entirely sure how it happened because I managed to get two cuts on my middle finger and one on my ring finger.  So after I saw the blood filling my glove I panicked and then ripped off my glove and went to find some running water to rinse them under. I told josh in sterilization, who pointed me toward the best running water in the clinic, which then went to find Gini, the dental co-coordinator.  As I stood in the corner sink with my back outwards I had a meltdown of all the possibilities that cutting myself with a dirty scalpel blade in Africa where certain diseases are very rampant, would entail.  I said a prayer for God to help get me through the embarrassing silly mistake of mine, and to let the result be negative on all accounts.  As me, gini, the patient, and a day volunteer (translator) got into the vehicle to go back to the ship for blood work, Christina the day volunteers said “stop crying, It will be ok” At the time I didn’t hear the it will be ok, but after talk with her about the situation (in which we now laugh) she tells me she knew it was all going to be alright. And yes it has been. I got the result back for the test later that afternoon. Negative on all fronts, I am disease free. Thank the Lord!  
Incident two: It was the weekend!!!! It was raining as we were heading to the beach at 8:30am. There was a group of about 14 of us who all piled into a podapoda (big van people use for a taxi around here).  When we got to the beach it was beautiful! The sun was shining we had gone for a swim and now me and another girl were sitting on the sand wall the tide had created as there were five or so kids sitting around us.  I thought instead of just sitting with these kids let’s play, do something fun. So  we had a contest to see who could jump the furthest off the sand ledge. Action being easier than explain I went first.  Well I jumped. I landed. I lost my balances. I landed very hard on my knees. Scrapping the right knee (note same side as my scalpel blade injury) quite band. It is a crusted over scrap now, with a large bruise underneath that I feel every time I crawl into bed on my top bunk. It was worth it though. The kids thought that few jumps was fun and entertaining before a grandma of them came over to me because she was concern for me knee. I don’t think they have seen such bright red blood.
Incident three:  On Monday I went to the boutique here on board. A place where you can drop off extra clothes or odds and ends, books anything really that doesn’t fit in your bag or you don’t want to bring home. The rest can go done there and pick out up to three items for free to take. I found a lovely skirt! It makes the swish-swish sound when I walk. It is fun and flowy. It is also perfect for twirling in. As I was coming down the two flights of stairs from the cafeteria to deck 3 where my room is I was so excited about the flowy and swishing as I was coming down the stairs I thought I would add a twirl at the end. All would have been well except I got so excited with the movement of the skirt and misjudge something and twisted my right foot and ended up on my butt laughing but in pain. Mean while my roomie stood there laughing. (Don’t worry she did ask if I was alright, eventually) But she is very jealous of my awesome new skirt. I believe it was one of these “Serves you right for having too much fun in your skirt.” I sit here now with ice on my foot hoping it doesn’t turn into a purple and blue mess. I think maybe it was my lesson of humility and mercy.  I am not normally accident prone so this is all very embarrassing and not like me which I think it seems even more embarrassing. I do recall going for a run with my dad a while back. Not even a kilometer from home and dad decides to jump over a barricade and as soon as he lands he goes down. He has twisted his ankle. We walked back home and put ice on it right away. But when it turned purple and blue the next day I did have a few good laughs. What were you thinking dad!! But now I understand. I will now have a little more mercy or compassion when I see someone who has the unfortunate pleasure of having something like this happen to them. I hope that I will be ok to be on my feet all day tomorrow at the clinic.  But also that this is the last, I’ve had my three. My right fingers, my right knee, and my right foot.
    Today in the clinic a very cute little boy came in with his mom. While his mom was in the dental chair i got to hold the little 3 yrs old. Very Cute but he did have some abnormal growths on his face. We took pictures in hopes that the doctors on board here will be able to do something for him.
    The second picture is on a 16yrs girl and me, who came in on wednesday with a tooth that was so infected we caused her excruciating pain in the process of taking it out because the anesthetic doesn't work as well or at all when here is such a big infection. While we were taking the tooth out the roots broke off and were stuck in the socket. They had a very good curve to the root which made it even harder for it to come out. Every time we went to touch the root to try take it out she would yep, moan, scream in pain. The anesthetic just wasn't working. She was so brave to go through all this. Once we finally had to tooth taken out we had to make an incision on the outside of her cheek to drain the puss that had built up. This means putting a little tube in her cheek so the puss has some where to go. I told her today how brave she was and asked if i could have a 'snap' (picture) with her.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


So here is one actions: Bold. I'm here doing this all for christ! But to make it enjoyable and a learing experience it means stepping out of my comfort zone. So be bold and daring for christ. I went and watched the sunset off the back of the ship. It was beautiful i got some awesome pictures! Another girl rebecca came and joined me up there when she was off work. We just sat and chatted for a while. I'm starting to feel not so out of place. People are starting to become more familiar and i'm becoming more bold and not worrying about what people think so much. Like will they care if i go sit with them at supper even tho i don't really know them. And no they don't care. Its great. Sometimes makes for an interesting time.  While we were sitting up there a group started to salsa dance. We joined them and did some salsa dancing until it got too slippery from the rain. It was good fun! Be bold for christ!

Friday, July 08, 2011


So I made it. After three flights, three delayes, a ferry ride, a 2 car rides. I'm luggage is a different story. I think because I was able to run to my next flight and my backpack was not. It is en route somewhere and will make it here just in time for me to need a clean pair of underwear. ;) I think maybe it was one of my bigger fears of travelling. I guess if that's the worst of it for right now. I'm doing pretty good. Just keep trusting in the one who makes it all happen :)
    From brussels to Freetown there were four others on my flight. An Aussi (named Caterina :P ), two from the netherlands, and one from USA.
        I slept pretty good last night. Breakfast was a toast and some ceral. Then it was off to the clinic. They provide scrubs everyday for us. Dental is light blue, hospital is dark blue.
        The clinic is a 5 minute walk from the ship. It is 3 large rooms, waiting area, clinic with four stations with two chairs each, and one for the hygienist. There are day volunteers that help with a bit of clean up but also translation and reception.They are great! Even they are thanking us for coming.  We eat lunch outside on a porch, where we can see the ocean and the ship. Kinda cool. We did a few fillings today, but mainly extractions. If the patients front teeth are too decayed to save, we pull them and then send them to a dentist in freetown not far from here and he will make them a denture, or partial denture. I believe he gets reimbursed from Mercy Ships. We see 50 patients a day from 8 -4 Monday - Friday. Today we were done a bit early. :)  I have an orientation of the ship tonight which i will go to after dinner where i'm headed right now. Sea-u-later

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

I'm leaving on a jet plane

One more sleep. I had another one of those slight nervous panic attacks like what am i doing this is kinda crazy. I've never done this before solo. How am I supposed to make it over there half way around the world. What if I can't handle this. God just kinda poked me and gave me a little reminder of what we read last night for devotions. Psalm 46:10. "Be Still, and know that I am God The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress".  I will go with you. I will never leave you. I will sit right next to you on the plane. I will help you hold that suction while you're working. I will dance with you when its raining. I will be with you. I am here for you. There is nothing that you're going to face that we can't do together. God. Powerful, almightly, always present Holy spirit,  I pray that as I get on the plane and say "see you in a month" to my family and friends that I feel you there as we continue this adventure together.

Sunday, July 03, 2011

3...not 4 sleeps

      In Church I was commission for my trip by Pastor Liz, who is amazing and very supportive. While she was introducing me and giving a bit of background to what I'm doing and that sort of thing she got a little chocked up. In listening and watching I also get tears in my eyes. I am so thankful for Liz.
      I have gotten to know her by being a volunteer in Sonlife where is she is the pastor. When hearing her pray for me there were parts in there that I had written on my donor page with Mercy Ships. Liz listens and takes the time to make it personal. It was very special for me to have Liz pray for me.When she asked people from the congregation to come up and lay a hand on me while she prayed I was a bit shocked at how many people came up to the front of the church. So much that this is where the tears really started. :)
      I mentioned before that I was going on the trip alone. I take that back. I KNOW God is with me everywhere I go, I trust in him that I will be safe and he will help me through whatever whenever wherever i need it. And Yes, I'm getting on the plane without knowing anyone else who's physically walking there with me. But I know and have seen and felt the support of all the church members today who have prayed for me, and will pray for me as I continue on this journey through whatever is laid in front of me.

Friday, July 01, 2011

Butterflies of Excitment and Nervousness

            Excited Butterflies: This is an opportunity where I can combine all things I love. Like my blog says. God, Africa and Teeth.  Mercy Ships provides health care to people who need it and can't really afford it. I get such a joy and 'make you feel good' smile on my face when i think that i am able to show these people God's love through my love of dental assisting.   I am also super excited for....seeing another beautiful part of God's amazing creation. Each area I travel too I see breath-taking beauty....meeting new volunteers from around the world...learning about whoever i meet and whatever i'm doing. I pray for all these things the sights, the people of Sierra Leone and the people I meet volunteering. I pray for the learning, and the adapting.
            Nervous Butterflies: All these excited butterflies get to fly more free once my nervous butterflies have been put to rest. I'm traveling by myself. Africa's pretty far away. It is actually a flight to Montreal(Bonjour Montreal!), a flight to Brussels(Daar Belgium!) and then a flight to Freetown SL (Kushe Sierra Leone!). Those of you who have driven with me anywhere, walked with me anywhere or just gone anywhere with me know that I am slightly directionally challenged. So once on the airplane I know I won't get lost. The airports...different story. I'll keep you informed. :P I am an innocent person and therefore get the most nervous going by a police station, going through the boarder or through customs. I pray (like i usually do before going through customs of any sort) that all the questions and 'paperwork' that gets stamped and filled out all goes smoothly for my safe arrival in AFRICA!!!!
            I received a "bon voyage" message from my Canadian mercy ships contact person with last minutes details. She also prayed for me. I thought I would sign out with her prayer. ~SAVH

"Father God, Thank you for Sonya's desire and excitement to serve you in Africa. Watch over her as she sorts out last-minute details and says her goodbyes to family and friends. Please go before and behind her, preparing the way for a safe journey. Give her grace as she travels, goes through customs, boards the ship, adjusts to the time change and learns to live in a multi-national community. Anoint her for the tasks you have planned for her onboard. Bless her with meaningful friendships and fellowship. Guide her through each day, all the routines of the ship and her new position. Remove all fears and reassure her of your presence. May your Holy Spirit help her to buffer the struggles and challenges along the way. Show her the wonders of your world and your people. Bless her service abundantly and reward her obedience with joy. In Jesus’ name, Amen."